In a devastating incident in the Pogal area of Ramban district, Jammu Kashmir, four individuals lost their lives while three others sustained injuries after the vehicle they were traveling in plunged into a deep gorge.
The unfortunate event occurred when the vehicle, en route from Maligam to Ukhrall, skidded off the road near Maligam, reportedly due to slippery conditions in the area.
The victims have been identified as Ab Waheed and Mohd Ayoub, both residents of Nowgam Pogal, along with Anayatullah Runyal from Panla Maligam. The driver, Naveed Ahmed from Chafkani Maligam, tragically lost his life at the scene of the accident.
The injured individuals have been promptly shifted to PHC Ukhrall for medical treatment.
Authorities are investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident as the community mourns the loss of lives in this tragic accident.