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How to Bring a Happy Soul to this World

The concept of a happy or sad Soul stems from ignorance. We often categorize Souls as good or bad, but these distinctions don’t exist. The Soul is a Spark Of Unique Life, an extension of the Supreme Immortal Power, much like a wave is part of the ocean. The Soul imparts life; it’s a power, […]

The concept of a happy or sad Soul stems from ignorance. We often categorize Souls as good or bad, but these distinctions don’t exist. The Soul is a Spark Of Unique Life, an extension of the Supreme Immortal Power, much like a wave is part of the ocean. The Soul imparts life; it’s a power, an energy. We mistakenly identify with the body, mind, and ego, but our true essence is the Soul. Recognizing this truth liberates us from misery and sorrow, granting Everlasting Peace, Divine Love, and Eternal Bliss. At death, we achieve Moksha, escaping the cycle of rebirth.


We need not worry about bringing a happy Soul into the world, for the Soul is inherently blissful. Living as our true selves, the Soul, ensures perpetual happiness. Sadly, we often live as the body, mind, and ego. The Vedas convey this as: Neti Neti, Tat Twam Asi, Aham Brahmasmi. The goal of life is to realize we are the Soul.


From birth, society equates happiness with success, wealth, and achievements, but this is a misconception. Happiness is not about becoming; it’s about being. True happiness isn’t found in success or possessions but in our intrinsic nature. We are spiritual beings, yet we live materially, ensnared by Maya, or illusions. This disconnection from our true selves causes misery.


While pursuing excellence and achievements is not wrong, we must also seek spiritual growth. True happiness arises from spiritual fulfillment, not material gains. Many succumb to greed, endlessly chasing wealth and fame, but these do not lead to true happiness. By understanding and living as the Soul, we attain genuine joy and peace.


To be ‘happy in this world’, we can follow the HAPPPY Mantra. The acronym HAPPPY will help us understand what it is to be happy.


H – Happiness is success. If we are happy, we are already successful. If we are successful but not happy, what is the point of being successful?


A – Accept without Protest and live in Surrender. Whatever happens in life is because of our Karma. As we sow, so shall we reap. It is best to accept what we can’t change and then surrender to the Divine.


P – Pleasure. Enjoy but don’t sink in it. We confuse happiness with pleasure. But pleasure is ephemeral. It comes from material things. True happiness is eternal. It comes from realizing the truth and living in consciousness of the truth.


P – Peace is the foundation of happiness. Still the mind and peace you will find!


P – Purpose. Discover, ‘Who am I?’ and live in Satchitananda, Truth Consciousness Bliss.


Y – Yearn for Awakening, for Liberation from all misery and sorrow. We must yearn to be awakened. This must be our only desire.


We must understand that being born as a human being is a blessing. Only a human being can realize the truth, be awakened and attain the ultimate purpose of life — Moksha. We must not lose this opportunity. We must go on a quest for the truth, seek the guidance of a true spiritual master, a Guru to be enlightened, and attain that state of eternal bliss, everlasting happiness.


The author is the Happiness ambassador, author, spiritual mentor and philanthropist.
