Delhi government officer Premoday Khakha, accused of raping a minor girl, has been placed under suspension with immediate effect, according to an order issued by Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had earlier in the day ordered the Chief Secretary to suspend the officer. The order issued by the Chief Secretary stated that a disciplinary proceeding against Khakha working in the Women and Child Development department for the post of assistant director was contemplated.
“Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub rule (1) of Rule 10 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control, and Appeal) Rules, 1965, Premoday Khakha, Assistant Director, is hereby placed under suspension with immediate effect,” stated the order. Khakha was arrested by Delhi Police along with his wife on Monday afternoon after questioning.
According to the order, during the suspension period, the officer is not permitted to leave the WCD department headquarters without obtaining prior permission.
“I have ordered the chief secretary to suspend the officer till the inquiry is pending. I have also sought a report from the chief secretary by the evening,” he said.
The officer has been booked for allegedly raping his friend’s minor daughter several times and impregnating her, police said on.
DCW chief sits on dharna at hospital
New Delhi : DCW chief Swati Maliwal sat on a dharna at a hospital on Monday, claiming that she was prevented from meeting the minor girl allegedly raped by a Delhi government official. Premoday Khakha, a deputy director in the city government’s women and child development department, allegedly raped the girl several times between November 2020 and January 2021, a senior police officer said. His wife allegedly gave the girl medicine to terminate her pregnancy.