NEW DELHI: Outgoing Chief Justice of India (CJI) Sharad Arvind Bobde on Friday asked the young members of the Bar Council not to lose hope amid Covid-19 as things will eventually get better. “To the young members of the bar who are disheartened by the evident events of the pandemic, I want to say, do not lose hope. Carry on. Things will change,” said CJI Bobde.
Speaking on the changes induced by the pandemic, CJI Bobde underscored the importance of artificial intelligence in today’s world. “We decided to move towards artificial intelligence because I think it is futile to ignore it. I think if we do not adopt artificial intelligence, we will find ourselves at great disadvantage,” he said.
Justice Bobde is set to be replaced by Justice N.V. Ramana. Justice Ramana will assume charge as the 48th Chief Justice of India on 24 April.