Former Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh on Thursday alleged that the BJP-led government at the Centre was hiding the truth of Chinese incursions at the Line of Actual Control (LAC), and was indulging in blaming history, including the late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, to divert attention from resolving the issues of the people and rectifying faulty policies.
Reacting to Singh’s remarks, the Ministry of External Affairs said that these remarks on India’s foreign policy were purely a political message, not a policy one.
The former Prime Minister had said: “They (BJP-led government) have no understanding of economic policy. The issue is not limited to the nation. This government has also failed on foreign policy. China is sitting at our border and efforts are being made to hide the truth. The issue is not just of internal tensions due to divisive politics. This government has proved a complete failure even on foreign policy.”
He further said that Congress had never divided the country for political gains or hidden the truth. “On one hand, people are facing
problems of inflation and unemployment, on the other, the present government, in power for the last seven and a half years, rather than admitting their mistakes and rectifying them, is still blaming first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru for people’s problems,” Singh said.
The former Prime Minister also stressed that PM Modi should maintain dignity (position) rather than blaming the history of the country as one cannot escape responsibility by blaming others. “I feel that the PM’s position has a special significance. The PM should maintain dignity rather than blaming history to escape their (BJP) failures. When I was Prime Minister for 10 years, I spoke through my work. I have never let the country lose prestige at the global level. I have never undermined India’s image,” he said.
In a veiled attack on PM Modi, Singh said that the relationships do not improve by giving hugs to politicians, or by going to eat biryani without invitation. Singh further accused the BJP-led government of “fake nationalist and divisive policies” and said its foreign policy had failed. “This government’s fake nationalism is empty and dangerous. Their nationalism is based on the British policy of divide and rule. Constitutional institutions are being weakened,” said Singh.
Singh’s remarks came after Prime Minister Modi’s attacks on Nehru during election rallies in Punjab, Goa and in Rajya Sabha. PM Modi while addressing a rally in Goa attacked the Congress and said it “did not liberate” the state for almost 15 years after Independence and the country’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru did not send armed forces to the state which was under Portuguese rule at the time. The Prime Minister had also said that for Nehru to maintain his image at the international level, Goa had to remain under imperial rule for years.
Arindam Bagchi, spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs, on Thursday said: “This is purely, clearly a political message not a policy one so I think from my position here, I would not like to get into that.” With regard to Singh’s remarks, Bagchi also said, “As regards China, the facts of the matter are clear. I do not need to reiterate them. We have been discussing what the process is of conversation with China. How the situation has arisen. I think repeatedly we have said that.”