The earnings of Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) agents across India vary widely depending on the state or union territory they work in. On average, LIC agents earn between ₹10,328 and ₹20,446 per month, with the highest average income reported in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Highest and Lowest Earnings by Region
According to data provided by LIC to the Finance Ministry, agents in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands top the earnings chart with an average monthly income of ₹20,446. Despite having only 273 agents, the lowest in the country, this region offers the highest average income for LIC agents.
On the other end of the spectrum, LIC agents in Himachal Pradesh earn the lowest average income at ₹10,328 per month. The state has 12,731 LIC agents, significantly more than the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Earnings in Major States
Among the larger states, Uttar Pradesh has the most LIC agents, with over 1.84 lakh agents earning an average of ₹11,887 per month. Maharashtra follows with more than 1.61 lakh agents, where the average monthly income is ₹14,931.
West Bengal ranks third in the number of agents, with 1,19,975 LIC agents earning an average of ₹13,512 per month. In Tamil Nadu, 87,347 agents earn an average of ₹13,444 monthly, while in Karnataka, 81,674 agents earn ₹13,265 per month on average.
Other Notable States
In Rajasthan, 75,310 LIC agents earn an average of ₹13,960 per month, while in Madhya Pradesh, 63,779 agents earn ₹11,647 monthly. The National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi has 40,469 agents with an average income of ₹15,169 per month.
Nationwide Overview
Overall, LIC has 13,90,920 agents across the country, showcasing the extensive reach of the public sector insurer. The earnings of LIC agents reflect regional economic conditions and the cost of living, with some states and union territories offering significantly higher average incomes than others.