Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant tied the knot on Friday, July 12, in a lavish ceremony attended by Bollywood celebrities, politicians, and cricketers from around the globe. The ‘Shubh Vivah’ ceremony, which followed, saw Shah Rukh Khan steal the limelight with his affectionate greetings to Akash Ambani, Deepika Padukone, and Ranveer Singh, sharing warm embraces and handshakes that underscored camaraderie.
Accompanied by wife Gauri Khan and children Suhana and Aryan Khan, Shah Rukh Khan looked regal in a dark-blue sherwani paired with matching trousers and sunglasses for the occasion. Earlier, the ‘Pathaan’ actor dazzled in an olive green sherwani at the ceremony, captivating attendees with a dance performance alongside Salman Khan, rekindling nostalgia with their iconic ‘Bhangra Paa Le’ moves from ‘Karan-Arjun’.
The star-studded event also featured prominent Bollywood figures like Salman Khan, Madhuri Dixit, Janhvi Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, and Alia Bhatt. Adding an international flair was Kim Kardashian, who graced the celebration, lending a global touch to the festivities.
Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchants’ wedding celebrations culminate today, Sunday, July 14, with the Mangal Utsav scheduled at the Jio World Centre in BKC, promising a grand finale to their extravagant union.
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