Ranveer Allahbadia, also known as BeerBiceps, returns with another intriguing podcast episode, this time featuring Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat. After recently releasing a conversation with Naval Ravikant, his latest guest dives into candid discussions about her career, personal life, and encounters with global personalities such as Jeff Bezos and Kamala Harris.
Meeting Jeff Bezos: Mallika’s Experience
In a clip shared on Instagram, Ranveer asks Mallika about her interaction with the Amazon founder. “Aap Jeff Bezos ke ghar gaye? (Did you visit Jeff Bezos’ house?)” BeerBiceps asks. Mallika confirms, “Ji, Washington DC may (Yes, in Washington DC).”
When asked about Bezos’ personality, she describes him as having “Laser sharp focus,” while also revealing how he manages work-life balance. “On weekends, no work. Only relax, spend time with family,” she shares, adding that her interaction with him occurred during a party he had invited her to, calling the experience “wonderful.”
Reflecting on Being a “Girl from Haryana”
In the full podcast, available on YouTube, Mallika talks about how surreal it felt for her, coming from a small town in Haryana, to be in the same room as someone like Jeff Bezos.
Social Media’s Reaction
Viewers responded warmly to Mallika’s appearance on the podcast, expressing admiration for her grace and eloquence. One comment read, “She’s so lovely and ahead of her time,” while another added, “I love the way she speaks.” A third user wrote, “I didn’t know Mallika is such a graceful, well-spoken… extremely likeable person.”
Her Encounter with Kamala Harris
Mallika also reflects on her encounter with Kamala Harris nearly a decade ago. She recalls feeling amazed at meeting someone who would later become a potential future president of the United States, adding an exciting perspective to her journey.
Discussing Life, Bollywood, and More
Throughout the podcast, Mallika also sheds light on various aspects of her life, including the “reality of Bollywood,” the “changing perceptions of women in the film industry,” and her experiences being single. She also contrasts Indian and Western cultures, offering deeper insights into her views on life and the world.
This episode offers a mix of personal stories, reflections, and captivating experiences, giving listeners a fresh perspective on Mallika Sherawat’s journey and her interactions with global icons.