Priyanka Chopra Jonas excels in personal and professional spheres with her continuous feats. The Global Icon is producing the short movie ‘Anuja., a much powerful Oscar -shortlisted feature. Recently ‘Anuja’, the live short film won awards at the HollyShorts Festival 2024 and also grabbed a spot among the nominees under the category ‘Live- Action Short Film” for the forthcoming 2025 Academy Awards.
Directed by Adam J. Graves and produced by Suchitra Mattai, ‘Anuja’ is a movie set in New Delhi. It narrates the story of nine-year-old girl Anuja who has to face a life-altering decision. The film unfolds the inner struggle of Anuja who finds herself incapable of deciding between education and her elder sister Palak, whom she works in a garment factory with, to support her family.
This movie narrative is all about the issue of child labor on a global level and the unavailability of educational opportunities for children. It highlights the systemic problems that deny children the right to a childhood and an opportunity to build a future.
According to Variety, speaking of her pride in the message, Priyanka Chopra Jonas said, “This beautiful film shines light on a critical issue affecting millions of children across the globe. ‘Anuja’ is a poignant, thought-provoking piece that makes us reflect deeply on the power of choices and how they shape the course of our lives.”. I am immensely proud to be associated with such a phenomenal and impactful project.”
‘Anuja’ was made in collaboration with Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT) and Shine Global. The Salaam Baalak Trust is a nonprofit organization initiated by Mira Nair’s family to support the street and working children of India.