Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha recently shared a hilarious and unexpected wake-up experience while on vacation in Australia. The actress posted a video on social media, giving fans a glimpse of the moment when the powerful roar of a lion interrupted her sleep, becoming the most unconventional alarm clock.
The Roar That Woke Her Up
In the video shared on Instagram, Sonakshi is seen sitting on her hotel room bed, capturing the startling moment as the lion’s roar echoed outside. Looking out of her window, she can be seen spotting the silhouette of the lion in the distance, staring directly at her. The actress humorously captioned the post, calling it her “alarm clock” for the day.
Zaheer and Sonakshi’s Wild Encounter
Earlier, Sonakshi’s husband, Zaheer, posted a candid snap on Instagram showing the couple relaxing and watching lions from the comfort of their hotel room. The photo was captioned, “4 cool cats hanging.” Sonakshi later reposted the image on her stories, accompanied by several videos of wild animals, including lions, further showcasing their exciting vacation adventures.
A Romantic Getaway Down Under
While enjoying their Australian getaway, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer have been sharing tender moments from their trip. In one post, Sonakshi shared a sweet photo of Zaheer resting his head on her lap as they sat together in a sunlit park. The heartfelt moment was captioned with a simple red heart emoji, highlighting their deep affection for one another.
Cricket, Romance, and Joyful Memories
The couple also took time to attend the thrilling Boxing Day Test match between India and Australia in Melbourne. The duo posted several pictures from their time at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), where they were seen cheering for India in matching white outfits, waving the Indian flag, and leading the crowd in chants for their home country.
The Couple’s Journey Together
For those who may not know, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer tied the knot in a private civil ceremony on June 23, 2024, making their relationship official after being together for seven years. Fans are eagerly awaiting their on-screen reunion in the upcoming film Tu Hai Meri Kiran, which is set for release in 2025.
Sonakshi and Zaheer’s Australian vacation has been a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and cherished moments, further strengthening their bond as a couple.