Kajal Aggarwal began 2025 by releasing the first look of herself as Parvathi Devi in the soon-to-be-released Kannappa. She posted this on Instagram, and the beauty of the heroine, who assumes a godlessly appearance, donned an elegant ivory and gold-border saree paired with exquisite jewellery. The post contained a tagline describing her character as a god who rules three worlds and takes care of her worshipers. Kajal has reacted excitedly at the prospect of playing the dream role by captioning the photo with, “Happy to be starting 2025 on this divine note.”
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The movie Kannappa is directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh and will share its story of the legendary warrior Kannappa, who was a renowned follower of Lord Shiva. It stars Vishnu Manchu, while Prabhas, Mohanlal, and many more including biggies like R Sarathkumar, Mohan Babu, and Preity Mukhundhan are there in critical roles. Further, the movie marks Akshay Kumar‘s first film in Telugu. Upon his arrival at the shoot location, the makers celebrated it through a video, where Vishnu Manchu welcomed him.
We’re thrilled to have Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar onboard for “#𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐚🏹,” Vishnu Manchu’s magnum opus. With Akshay Kumar joining us, our production promises to reach unprecedented heights of grandeur and excitement. Stay tuned for an unforgettable cinematic… pic.twitter.com/99EiCJ9mSt
— Kannappa The Movie (@kannappamovie) April 16, 2024
Earlier, Kannappa’s teaser had created a huge buzz at Cannes Film Festival where it was met with a very positive response. Vishnu Manchu thanked everyone and went gaga over X (Twitter) saying he was filled with much anticipation seeing the feedback pouring in in large numbers.
We showcased the teaser of *Kannappa* here in Cannes, and it received an overwhelmingly positive response! International distributors, local Indians, and everyone who saw it absolutely loved it. I am excited and have butterflies in my stomach after witnessing such fantastic… pic.twitter.com/phnLbaKhdY
— Vishnu Manchu (@iVishnuManchu) May 21, 2024
The movie that will hit theatres on April 25th will have simultaneous releases in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi, and English.