Anil Kapoor celebrates the 18th anniversary of No Entry, describing it as a ‘timeless comedy’, while Lara Dutta expresses her joy at finally being recognized and appreciated.” Anil Kapoor recently took to social media to celebrate the 18th anniversary of his film No Entry. He called it a “timeless comedy” and thanked his co-stars, director, and crew for making the film a success. To make this day more special, Anil dropped stills captured during the shooting of the film featuring his co-stars including Salman Khan, Fardeen Khan, Bipasha Basu and Lara Dutta on his Instagram Stories. Sharing the video, he wrote, “Celebrating 18 years of #NoEntry! A timeless comedy! Here’s to the amazing memories!” Re-sharing Anil’s post, Lara Dutta wrote, “We’re finally adulting now! Such a blast this was!!” Lara Dutta, who played a lead role in the film, also shared her excitement for the film’s milestone. She stated that the film wasn’t immediately appreciated when it was released but is now finally receiving the recognition it deserves. No Entry was directed by Anees Bazmee and also starred Salman Khan, Bipasha Basu, and Fardeen Khan, among others.
Meanwhile, Anil will be next seen in an action thriller film Animal alongside Ranbir Kapoor and Bobby Deol. On the occasion of Independence Day, the makers of Fighter unveiled an exciting motion poster casting Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor’s first look as Indian Air Force pilots.
The clip opens with a runway shot and then Hrithik comes into the frame. The actor looks dashing in his pilot G-suit. Next, there are Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor. They were also dressed in pilot uniforms. All three of them are seen holding helmets and wearing sunglasses.