Renee Dhyani, who gained popularity through reality shows like Bigg Boss 8 and Roadies, as well as TV series such as Yeh Teri Galiyan, Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki, and Chandrakanta, recently shared significant news on her Instagram. On the night of July 5, 2024, she announced her marriage, which began as an arranged setup and […]
Renee Dhyani, who gained popularity through reality shows like Bigg Boss 8 and Roadies, as well as TV series such as Yeh Teri Galiyan, Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki, and Chandrakanta, recently shared significant news on her Instagram. On the night of July 5, 2024, she announced her marriage, which began as an arranged setup and blossomed into love. However, she quickly removed the post and posted an explanation for her actions.
Renee Dhyani is now married
Sharing pictures and videos from her wedding, Renee Dhyaniwrote, “Arranged marriage turned into love marriage when the space between them got replaced by a tiny toothless smile.” Renee appeared radiant in the photos with her husband.
Previously, she had shared a video with the caption, “When you realise that in just a few days, you can start saying ‘Let me check with my husband’.”
Why did she delete her posts?
Renee took to her Instagram stories to explain, “Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Though thank you everyone for your wishes but sahi time pe sahi tareeke se will update (heart emoji). @instagram yaar tum bhi ruk jattae. So many calls so many text mujhe aur anxiety ho gayi hai.”
Renee Dhyani was last seen in ‘Aapki Nazron Ne Samjha’.