Two producers who are known for their powerful brand of cinema, two brands that are applauded for their fearless choices in productions they take up – Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series and Ashutosh Gowariker Productions (AGPPL) – have decided to join hands to bring together an inspiring human sports drama in the form of ‘Toolsidas Junior’. The film will star Sanjay Dutt, Rajiv Kapoor, and Varun BuddhaDev among others. While Gowariker and Kumar had previously partnered for the music of ‘Swades’ and others, this will be their first joint film production. An Ashutosh Gowariker Productions and T-Series production, ‘Toolsidas Junior’ is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Ashutosh Gowariker and Sunita Gowariker and written and directed by Mridul.