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Antahkarana: A powerful healing symbol in everyday life

Ancient symbols carry wisdom and offer ideas about healing and spiritual growth. The Antahkarana is one such powerful symbol. The Antahkarana word originates from Sanskrit, where “Antar” means “within” or “interior,” and “Karana” means “cause” or “sense organ.” It translates as “the inner cause” or “internal organ.” The Antahkarana does not require any special attunement […]

Antahkarana: A powerful healing symbol in everyday life
Antahkarana: A powerful healing symbol in everyday life

Ancient symbols carry wisdom and offer ideas about healing and spiritual growth. The Antahkarana is one such powerful symbol. The Antahkarana word originates from Sanskrit, where “Antar” means “within” or “interior,” and “Karana” means “cause” or “sense organ.” It translates as “the inner cause” or “internal organ.”

The Antahkarana does not require any special attunement or belong to a specific Reiki system but still is widely used by Reiki healers all over the world. It is considered a powerful and effective healing tool when combined with Reiki. Reiki healers believe that Antahkarana symbol works directly with the aura,  heals emotional pain and enhance the flow of life force energy (Chi).

This simple, ancient & sacred symbol is widely used in Reiki healing practices to

  • balance chakras & energy
  • clear negative energy
  • prevent energy blockages
  • cleanse crystals
  • remove negative energy from objects (including electronic devices)
  • enable the grounding of the body
  • connect the body to divine consciousness & strengthen the connection.

One can use the Antahkarana symbol in personal and everyday life as it is very simple to use. Just take out the printouts and use as needed. The symbol cannot cause harm as it works directly through the higher self.

Let’s look at how this sacred symbol enhances healing and how we can use its key benefits in our daily life:

  1. One of its key benefits is the purification of spaces, objects and even food or water. Simply place Antahkarana in a room to create a healthier environment.
  2. Placing it under bed or mattress can improve sleep.
  3. Can be placed directly on the chakras for chakra balancing.
  4. Place it near electronic devices to reduce the radiation effect.
  5. Some people carry it in their wallets for its protective & healing effects.
  6. Using Male & Female symbols together on a room’s wall will neutralize the negative energy.
  7. Placing any object between 2 Antahkarana symbols will clear all negativities. So, it is effective in cleansing the crystals or any other objects.
  8. Using as coaster, will purify and charge the food & water.
  9. Place it on your workstation to keep off negativity at your workplace.
  10. The symbols are especially helpful in fighting illness as it amplifies Reiki energy, making healing sessions more powerful and efficient.

Reiki healers recommend placing it in Reiki boxes or using it as a base for crystal grids to improve the effectiveness of healing sessions. Also, meditating with the symbol may bring inner clarity and strengthen one’s connection to the spiritual realm. Many Reiki healers incorporate it into their healing routines for deep healing, protection and energy balance.

Reiki Practitioners follow four primary versions of the Antahkarana symbol, each with unique energy properties:

  1. The Male symbol offers direct and intense energy, suitable for fast healing.
  2. The Female symbol provides gentler, nurturing energy, ideal for subtle & relaxed healing processes.
  3. The Cosmic Cross version opens the heart chakra, allowing positive energy to flow and fostering love.
  4. The Squares version helps energy to move freely by removing negativity, blockages and stagnant energy. Users are encouraged to ground themselves with the Male version after working with the square symbol.

Overall, the Antahkarana symbol is considered a part of spiritual anatomy, forming a bridge between the physical body and the higher self. It has its own consciousness and works directly with aura and chakras causing deep healing.

Whether you’re an experienced healer or just starting with energy work, learning about the Antahkarana can boost your journey to good health.

Disclaimer: Information & the views expressed in this article reflect the author’s personal understanding, learning and interpretation.

Jyotsnaa G Bansal is a Reiki Grandmaster, Author, Numerologist, Researcher, Counselor, Crystals & Spiritual Guide, Dowsing & Switchwords Practitioner.
