Dr Alka Gurjar, the national secretary of the BJP, said that for a full five years, women’s dignity was being violated in the state, but the Congress government and its leader Ashok Gehlot slept with power. She said, “After a gang-rape in Bikaner, the suicide of a young woman discussing women’s safety will be the last nail in the coffin of the Congress government. Along with this, the incident of sexual assault on minor sisters in Jaipur has once again embarrassed Rajasthan.”
Gurjar said, “In Bikaner, some young men raped a young woman and made obscene videos. Constant blackmail and harassment led to the victim writing the names of the three accused in a suicide note and taking her own life. Before this, the victim had given complete information about the case to her younger sister. The younger sister called her father when she reached Bikaner and told him about the woman’s suicide.”
She said that in the state, gang rapes and cases of violence against women have increased over the past five years. “In the last three years alone, 3,368 minor girls in the state have fallen prey to monsters. In this, Bhilwara, the criminals had not only raped a girl who had gone to graze cattle in the fields but had also burnt her alive in a furnace. In Pratapgarh, a young woman was stripped naked and paraded through the entire village. Shortly after Ashok Gehlot took over as the Chief Minister, in 2019, a group of five youths stopped a young woman going to the market with her fiancé and committed sexual assault on her, making her video viral. In addition to this, in the state, 5310 cases of sexual assault against women were registered in 2021, 6337 in 2022, and until August this year, 7093 cases have been filed.”