MUMBAI: Aamir Khan, who will be seen grooving in the special dance number ‘Har Funn Maula’ in his friend Amin Hajee’s upcoming directorial ‘Koi Jaane Na’, on Wednesday congratulated and thanked all those who were involved in the making of the song. In the dance number, Aamir features alongside Elli Avram. Hajee is best recalled as Bagha, the mute ‘dhol’ player in Aamir’s 2001 blockbuster “Lagaan”.
Aamir shared a still from the song on Instagram and wrote: “Amin, my friend, you have come a long way since ‘Lagaan’. Wishing Bhushan, T-Series and you, all the very best for ‘Koi Jaane Na’.”
“Really enjoyed shooting for this song, what an awesome team you have. Ceaser, Bosco, Manoj, Dipankar, Avan, Nanao, Rushi, Manoshi, Ballu, Adele, Tanishk, Vishaal, Zara, and above all Elli who hides all the flaws in my dancing. And thank you Sneha, Vivek, and Juhi could not have managed without y’all. Hope y’all like the song guys. The film is exciting (hopefully, Amin don’t let us down) suspense thriller called ‘Koi Jaane Na’, and is due for release in theatres on 2nd April,” he added.
Aamir will soon be seen in ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, an official remake of the Hollywood film ‘Forrest Gump’. The film also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan.