MUMBAI: As cases of crime against women have seen a rise in India recently, several celebs expressed their anger on social media. A 30-year-old woman succumbed to injuries while undergoing treatment in Mumbai’s Rajawadi hospital on Saturday after she was raped and brutalised with rods. One of the leading journalists posted this news and and other such news pieces on Instagram. Reposting it on her Instagram story, Anushka Sharma wrote, “Enough man! Give girls and women a safe environment! Is that asking for too much.” “WTF is going on? This is infuriating,” wrote Alia Bhat. “News today, everyday goes like this coz she fought too much! That’s the price she paid for fighting for her life,” Taapsee Pannu reacted. Bhumi Pednekar wrote, “As a woman living her dreams today, with a life full of aspirations, I feel sickened to the stomach that abuse against women has become an integral part of our society. Every day we wake up to multiple soul-crushing incidents. The crimes are getting more heinous and the numbers increasing. We need change. Enough is Enough.” Other celebrities such as Mini Mathur, Arjun Kapoor, Malaika Arora, and Kalki Koechlin have also expressed their anger over such horrific crimes.