Construction work of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is going on as per schedule and devotees will be able to have darshan by 2023, said Ram Temple Trust sources. In a recent review meeting on the construction of Ram Temple in Ayodhya held between August 27 and August 29, it was noted that construction work of the temple is proceeding as per the schedule and the plan to enable devotees to have darshan by the year 2023 seems within reach. According to Ram Temple Trust sources, a preliminary masterplan for the entire campus outside Parkota has been prepared. Design and drawing works have been completed. About 3 lakh cubic feet of concrete will be used in the raft. It includes pilgrimage facilitation centre, museum, archives, auditorium, Gaushala, Yagya Shaala, etc. The masterplan has a special focus on conservation and development.