On India’s 75th Independence Day on Sunday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal unfurled a 115 feet high flag in the national capital. Speaking on the occasion, he said, “Today, we hoisted 115-ft high flag in the national capital. It’s a different feeling when we see our national flag being hoisted here. We plan to put up 500 different flags of this height in the different parts of the capital.”
The Chief Minister recalled the sacrifices and valour of our freedom fighters. He said, “On this morning of Independence Day, let’s remember the sacrifices and valour of all our freedom fighters and great men, due to which our country got freedom. Happy 75th anniversary of independence to all the countrymen.”
After hoisting the flag at Secretariat Building, the Chief Minister announced that the ‘Deshbhakti Curriculum’ will be introduced in Delhi government schools from 27 September as a tribute to Shaheed Bhagat Singh.
On ‘Deshbhakti Curriculum’, Kejriwal said, “In 74 years, our curriculum teaches Physics, Chemistry but not patriotism. This will not be a mundane curriculum; it will inculcate the feeling of patriotism in the children… I appeal to all the parents, only schools cannot do this, when the children come back home from schools, do discuss the country with them. This will also motivate both the parents and children.”
The Chief Minister added, “Six years ago, the people of Delhi started the education revolution. Delhi Board of Secondary Education (DBSE) has an agreement with the International Board. The international board will now be available to the children of Delhi.”
Applauding the efforts of the doctors and frontline workers during the ongoing Covid pandemic, Kejriwal said, “For one and a half years, not only the country but the whole world is going through the corona epidemic, doctors, nurses, front line workers who have lost their lives, I salute them all too.”
“I salute the doctors, nurses of the country—who did not go home for several days and many sacrificed their lives while battling with Covid-19. We do not consider them less than a soldier of the country! Delhi Government had honoured the families of these ‘soldiers’ by honouring them with Rs 1 crore,” he said.
Kejriwal added, “There were two waves of corona in the country but Delhi witnessed 4 waves, the previous one was very dangerous. There was hardly any family in Delhi who has not got infected with corona. It was a very difficult time for all of us in April, our officers used to stay awake all night trying to save lives.”