Government of Himachal Pradesh has taken a unique initiative to mobilize smartphones for the needy school children. The education department started a digital campaign to donate smartphones for the online education of children who do not have access to digital amenities.
Bollywood actress Yami Gautam, hailing from Himachal, who has worked in Indian films like Uri and Vicky Donor, is the brand ambassador of this mega campaign.
“It is a personal honour for me to be associated with such a campaign. Education is certainly priceless. It is really special to get an opportunity to do something for the education of the children,” Yami Gautam said.
Himachal Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur congratulated the education department for carrying out this big campaign.
The CM said that when everything was closed during the pandemic, it was a big challenge to continue the education program in a hilly state like Himachal. But today with the efforts of everyone, he said, the campaign is going on successfully, and this will solve myriad problems for the children.
CM thanked Yami Gautam for providing free services and motivation for this noble cause.
During the launch of the campaign, Education Minister Govind Thakur said that more than 8 lakh students from 15322 educational institutions in the state, from nursery to secondary, had a big challenge during this difficult time of epidemic, but the education department worked hard for the education of the children.
So far more than 11000 smart phones have been mobilised. These were by large contributed by a number of corporate houses, banks and industrialists.
Yami Gautam also appreciated the efforts of the Himachal government for the children to continue their studies in this difficult period of pandemic.
Himachal government has been running Har Ghar Pathshala , a program to enable online learning for around 8 lakh students enrolled in Government Schools during the Covid -19 pandemic.
The programme has been a success in reaching out to almost 80% of students and has been appreciated by teachers and parents.
Despite the weak connectivity in the mountainous region of the Himachal, more than 8 lakh school children are continuing their education via online medium.