NEW DELHI: New mom Kareena Kapoor shared an inspiring post on Instagram, giving importance on the necessity to stay fit during the lockdown. On Sunday, the 40-year-old actress shared a photograph which showed that she walked 5,605 steps (5.11 km) within a few hours.
Kareena’s fitness mantra was loud and clear: “Lockdown doesn›t mean giving up,» she wrote in her caption. Kareena›s sister-in-law Saba Ali Khan commented on her post. She wrote: “Motivation… Now to try movement! Wish me luck! LOL. Stay safe and fit.”
Kareena and Saif Ali Khan welcomed a son on 21 February. “We have been blessed with a baby boy. Mom and baby are safe and healthy. Thank you to our well-wishers for their love and support,” Saif said in a statement.
Kareena and Saif married in 2012 after dating for a few years. They announced their second pregnancy last August. They are co-stars of films like Omkara, Agent Vinod, Kurbaan and Tashan. The actress announced her pregnancy memoir titled The Kareena Kapoor Khan Pregnancy Bible, on Taimur’s fourth birthday in December last year.