Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Thursday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to clear the state government’s proposal for launching various projects worth Rs 937 crores, including the development of Sri Anandpur Sahib as Smart City, to pay befitting tributes to 9th Guru Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, whose 400th Prakash Purab is being celebrated this year.
Participating virtually in the high-level national committee meeting, convened by the Prime Minister to finalise plans for the celebration of the 400th Prakash Purab, the Chief Minister said, “we are all fortunate to celebrate this great event in our lifetimes and I urge Narendra Modi to ensure that this historic event is commemorated not only at national but at a global level.” He said Guru Tegh Bahadur, also known as Hind Di Chadar, stands as a shining symbol of our country’s great pluralistic tradition and secularism, and his supreme sacrifice – ‘sis diya par sirr na diya’ – forms an important part of India’s history.
The Chief Minister said that he was “blessed” as during his present tenure he had got the opportunity to be part of the grand celebrations of the 350th birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh and the 550th Prakash Purab of Guru Nanak Dev. “Even during my last tenure, I was fortunate to be part of the celebrations of the 400th anniversary of Guru Granth Sahib,” he said.
Briefing the Prime Minister on the memorandum sent to the centre in this regard, Capt Amarinder said his government plans to duly recognise the towns and villages associated with the life of Guru Sahib in the state by upgrading their infrastructure. Besides Amritsar, the town of Sri Anandpur Sahib and Baba Bakala are significant in this regard, he said. Also, he said that there are 78 villages in the state graced by the Guru (charan chho prapt).