New Delhi : Kangana Ranaut broke down on Tuesday at the trailer launch of ‘Thalaivi’ in Chennai. Kangana got teary-eyed while talking about her bond with director Vijay and thanked him for encouraging her. She expressed her gratitude towards the director for believing in her as she ventured into the South Indian entertainment industry with ‘Thalaivi’. The Padma Shri recipient said, “Never in my life have I met a man who has not made me feel apologetic about my talent. I’m getting emotional, I’m not usually like that but I want to say that he is one person, who has made me feel good about my talent. Usually the camaraderie they show with a male hero is never shown with an actress. But as a director, I learnt from him how to treat actors and how to show creative partnership.” The movie is set to release on 23 April 2021.