The Haryana government on Friday terminated the services of Sonia Aggarwal, vice-chairperson of the Haryana State Commission for Women, following her arrest on bribery charges. The action comes nearly a month after Aggarwal and her driver was allegedly caught red-handed by the state Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) while allegedly demanding and accepting a bribe of ₹1 lakh. Aggarwal was accused of soliciting the bribe from a teacher to settle a case related to his marital dispute.
The ACB also apprehended Aggarwal’s personal secretary, Kuldeep, during the sting operation. Both were arrested from Aggarwal’s residence. The dismissal order, issued by Amneet P Kumar, Commissioner and Secretary of the Haryana Women and Child Development Department, stated, “As per Section 4 sub-section (3) of The Haryana State Commission for Women Act, 2012, the services of Sonia Aggarwal, vice-chairperson, Haryana State Commission for Women, are hereby terminated with immediate effect.”
The case has sparked significant outrage, with social organizations, including the Vaishya community, raising their voices against the corruption allegations. Despite their protests, authorities took action only 25 days after Aggarwal’s arrest. Aggarwal’s arrest and subsequent sacking highlight the Haryana government’s stern stance against corruption, especially within its institutions.