Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently made his podcast debut speaking with Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath, during which he offered insights into personal and professional lives. He cited a speech of his from Gujarat chief minister times when he stated, “Mistakes happen, I am human, not a God.
In the podcast, Modi focused on the aspect of good people entering politics with a mission and not with an ambition. “One should enter politics with a mission, not with ambition.” He also discussed his childhood; he used to wash his family’s clothes. He said this helped him go to the pond.
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He shared his philosophy from his time as Gujarat CM, saying, “I will not shy away from hard work,” and reiterating that doing things with good intentions, despite making mistakes, was what he believed in. His debut podcast generated a debate on global issues, youth involvement in politics, and his experience as a two-term prime minister.