Dhanashree Verma, a renowned dancer and social media personality, has broken her silence on persistent divorce rumors involving her and cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal. In a strong statement shared on Instagram, Dhanashree condemned the online trolling and baseless speculations that have been circulating.
Dhanashree’s Statement
In her note, Dhanashree expressed her frustration over the recent challenges faced by her family. She stated:
“The past few days have been incredibly tough for my family and me. What’s truly upsetting is the baseless writing, devoid of fact-checking, and the character assassination of my reputation by faceless trolls spreading hate.”
She further emphasized her resilience:
“I’ve worked hard for years to build my name and integrity. My silence is not a sign of weakness but of strength. While negativity spreads easily online, it takes courage and compassion to uplift others.”
Dhanashree concluded her statement by affirming her values, writing, “I choose to focus on my truth and move forward, holding onto my values. The truth stands tall without the need for justification.”
Marriage and Rumors
Dhanashree, a dentist-turned-dancer known for her appearance on Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, tied the knot with Yuzvendra Chahal on December 22, 2020, in a private ceremony in Gurgaon. The couple had been engaged earlier that year in August.
Speculations about their separation began circulating when fans noticed that the two had unfollowed each other on Instagram. While the couple has not directly addressed the rumors, Dhanashree’s recent post appears to be her way of putting the focus back on truth and dignity.