Bollywood actress Kajol recently attended the Durga Puja celebrations at her family’s North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Pandal, where a video surfaced showing her serving “bhog ka prasad” to devotees. Kajol, dressed in a saree, was seen serving puris when she noticed someone filming her. Not comfortable with being recorded, she quickly lowered the camera and politely asked the person not to film her. Her security team promptly stepped in, requesting attendees to refrain from capturing videos of the actress. Interestingly, Kajol was also spotted enjoying a snack while serving the food.
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For those unfamiliar, the North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Pandal is organized by Kajol, Rani Mukerji, and their family. Every year, they host grand celebrations where the Durga idol is worshipped, and many people, including family members and others from the city, visit the pandal to offer their prayers. Previously, the celebrations took place at Tulip Star Hotel, but after the hotel was sold, they moved the festivities to the SNDT Women’s University grounds in Juhu.
This year, several Bollywood celebrities, including Jaya Bachchan and Ranbir Kapoor, visited the pandal. Jaya Bachchan appeared in high spirits, warmly greeting Kajol with hugs and kisses, while Ranbir posed for photos with Rani Mukerji. The pandal also sees regular visits from stars like Sumona Chakravarti, Ishita Dutta, Vats.