Telugu actor Chandrakanth, known for his roles in daily soaps, has passed away. He allegedly died by suicide at his home in Alkapur, Telangana, on Friday. This tragic news comes shortly after his close friend and co-star Pavithra Jayaram died in a car accident.
According to Chandrakanth’s father’s statement to the police, the actor had been depressed for the past few days. He was deeply affected by Pavithra’s death, often writing emotional tributes to her on social media. His last Instagram post was dedicated to Pavithra, and the two were reportedly in a relationship.
In one of his posts, he wrote, “This is the last picture I took with you. I’m unable to accept that you left me alone. Please call out for me once again. My Pavi is no more. Please come back.” He also shared on his Instagram stories, “Please come back and wipe my tears.”
The sudden deaths of both actors have left the Telugu industry in shock.