As the political atmosphere in Karnataka heats up with the looming Lok Sabha elections, the demand for the appointment of three Deputy Chief Ministers (DCMs) intensifies. A clandestine meeting at Minister Satish Jarakiholi’s residence in Bangalore saw key ministers engaging in discussions that have sparked intrigue and speculation.
Ministers K. N. Rajanna, H. C. Mahadevappa, and Home Minister Dr. G. Parameshwar, all representing the Dalit community, participated in the closed-door meeting that extended for more than two hours on Thursday night. While officially downplaying the political nature of the meeting, insiders suggest a primary focus on the critical issue of appointing three DCMs.
According to sources, Minister KN Rajanna, addressing a public gathering in Tumkur earlier on Thursday, stressed the importance of the Congress winning more seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections to justify the creation of three DCM positions. The debate emerged when he questioned who would lose if the party proceeded with the decision.The faction supporting Minister Satish Jarakiholi, who hails from the ST community, is actively lobbying for the post of DCM.
On the other hand, Minister K.N. Rajanna is advocating for Home Minister Dr. G. Parameshwar, representing the SC community. Meanwhile, the demand from this group is to include a member from the Lingayat community among the three DCMs.
This latest development follows a similar gathering of Dalit leaders at the residence of Home Minister Dr. G. Parameshwar a few days ago. Although the official explanation was a dinner gathering, insiders acknowledge the ongoing discussions around the appointment of three DCMs.
Sources reveal that over 20 MLAs, under the leadership of Minister Satish Jarakiholi, had planned a tour during Dussehra, with additional plans for international travel, all purportedly linked to the discussions on appointing the three DCMs.
Presently, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, belonging to the backward class, holds the position of CM, with D.K. Sivakumar from the Vokkaliga community as the current DCM. The demand for representation from the Lingayat, SC, and ST communities is being framed as a move towards justice for all communities within the Congress party.
The Congress High Command’s decision on this matter is eagerly awaited, as the intricate web of alliances and strategies unfolds in the run-up to the Lok Sabha elections.