After Bharat Jodo Yatra, Vipaksh Aapke Samaksh, Hath Se Hath Jodo campaign and Jan Aakrosh rallies, Haryana Congress has announced to start ‘Ghar-Ghar Congress’ campaign on the occasion of New Year. A resolution was passed to vote out the BJP-JJP coalition government was passed at a Worker’s Meeting organised in Karnal on New Years Day. Former Chief Minister and Leader of Opposition Bhupinder Singh Hooda and Congress State President Chaudhary Udaibhan announced the new campaign during the workers’ meeting held in Karnal on Monday. He said a circular regarding the outline of the program will be issued soon.
Hooda and Udaibhan heartily congratulated all the workers, the state and the countrymen on the occasion of New Year. He also filled workers with enthusiasm among the workers and called workers the backbone of the party. “Party workers have worked hard to make all the party programs organized so far successful,” he said and drew a massive response when he called the workers a battle-ready army, and party workers raised their hands and agreed to fight the battle together.
Haryana Congress president Choudhary Udaibhan said in the election year 2024, Congress workers will take the failures, broken promises of the BJP-JJP government and policies of Congress to every home. Along with this, they will also highlight the failure of the government and tell the achievements of Congress.
He said the party’s ground force will play an active role in getting new youth votes registered through the BLO and will work to weed out the bogus votes from the voters list, working on the circular issued by the party on 27th November. He said every Congress will rest only after ousting the BJP-JJP government from Haryana.
Hooda said all the programs of Congress are getting historic support from the public.
“Now ‘Ghar-Ghar Congress’ campaign is going to start, which will further strengthen the party in the state. All the leaders are constantly among the public. The Congress will not rest until we uproot a government that has made Haryana number one in unemployment, crime, drugs, debt and atrocities on the people of the state,” he said.
“When the Congress government is formed in the state, it will free the housewives from inflation by giving them cheap gas cylinders at Rs 500, the youth from unemployment by filling 2 lakh vacant posts, and the people will be freed from crime by strengthening the law and order system. Similarly, the scheme of providing 100 square yard plots and houses to the poor will be restarted. Congress is also committed to provide benefits of OPS, 300 units of free electricity to the employees and pension of Rs 6000 to the elderly,” Hooda reiterated.
On sportspersons returning their awards, Hooda said the players are the pride of the country, but they have had to fight long battle for justice. He said the government itself should come forward and ensure justice to sportspersons who have brought glory to the state. “The people in power are defending the accused. The BJP-JJP government of Haryana is watching this injustice as a mute spectator,” he stated.
Commenting on the SYL issue, Hooda said that the present government is continuously ignoring the interests of Haryana. “The BJP-JJP government is not serious about providing the state its rightful water. The government is running only on the basis of lathis and bullets. In democracy, governments run by winning the hearts of the people,” he said.
In response to the question of journalists, Hooda condemned the lathi-charge on guest teachers. He said BJP-JJP knows only the language of lathis and bullets. “Not only guest teachers, every class of people, including farmers, workers, employees, temporary workers, sanitation workers have earlier become victims of the atrocities of this government.