Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti (BMVSS), renowned for introducing the globally acclaimed Jaipur Foot, has embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration with Instalimb, a leading Japanese artificial limb manufacturer. This strategic alliance aims to enhance the quality and durability of the Jaipur Foot by leveraging state-of-the-art 3D printing technology.
Under the visionary guidance of D R Mehta, Founder, and Chief Patron of BMVSS, this collaboration is poised to revolutionise the prosthetics landscape. Instalimb, recognised as the world’s first 3D-printed prosthetic leg manufacturer, will contribute technical expertise to elevate the Jaipur Foot. The primary focus of this partnership is to leverage digital 3D printing technology to enhance a crucial segment of the Jaipur Foot—the socket.
Shoichiro Adachi, Chief Operating Officer of Instalimb, expressed enthusiasm about partnering with BMVSS, the world’s largest rehabilitation organisation. He underscored the shared commitment to innovation and serving humanity, anticipating that this collaboration will set new standards in the prosthetics industry. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony occurred in the presence of Bhupendra Mehta and Dr Deependra Mehta, secretaries of BMVSS, and Tarun Kulshrestha, the technical adviser of BMVSS.
As collaborative efforts unfold, the world eagerly anticipates the positive impact on the lives of individuals benefiting from the transformative Jaipur Foot.