In a significant development, the Punjab and Haryana High Court convened to address the contentious issue surrounding Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s jail interview. The court session, held this Wednesday, witnessed crucial decisions and directives aimed at intensifying the investigation’s rigor and preserving legal integrity.
The Punjab government, in a bid to bolster the investigation’s credibility, presented an extensive roster comprising senior IPS (Indian Police Service) officers to the High Court. This move culminated in the High Court’s pivotal decision to commission a specialized Special Investigation Team (SIT), spearheaded by the seasoned IPS officer Prabodh Kumar. The SIT, with Kumar at its helm, is poised to undertake a meticulous scrutiny of the case.
Moreover, the High Court’s proceedings led to an imperative directive: the removal of the contentious jail interview involving Lawrence Bishnoi from various social media platforms.
This directive underscores the court’s stance on preserving the sanctity of the ongoing legal procedures and the sensitive nature of the investigation.
Earlier this week, on Monday, the High Court had urged the Punjab government to initiate an investigation steered by an officer holding the rank of SP (Superintendent of Police) or higher. This directive emphasized the requisite expertise and gravitas needed to handle the case, insisting that the officers assigned to the inquiry must not hold a rank below SP within the Punjab Police.
During the recent proceedings, advocate Tanu Bedi, part of the legal counsel supporting the court, highlighted significant concerns about the methodology employed during Lawrence Bishnoi’s jail interview, conducted by the previous SIT. Bedi’s elucidation emphasized potential shortcomings in the investigation, stressing the need for a more comprehensive and diligent approach. Importantly, she suggested the implausibility of such an interview occurring without the oversight or involvement of the jail administration, hinting at layers yet to be unearthed in this intricate legal affair.