The Election Commission of India has commenced the selection process for Sector Officers and Sector Police Officers for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Guidelines outlining their duties, responsibilities, and training have been issued for the electoral process.
Anshdeep, the District Collector, and District Election Officer, stated, “Sectors are to be established for the Lok Sabha elections, with each sector encompassing 10 to 12 polling stations. The geographical proximity of all polling stations within a sector will be ensured during sector formation.
As per the Commission’s directives, each sector will have an appointed sector officer, who will be a gazetted officer. Additionally, reserve sector officers will be designated.
A sector police officer, preferably an assistant sub-inspector level officer, will be assigned to each sector. In case an adequate number of ASIs are unavailable, head constables can be deployed.”
He further mentioned that police constables and home guard personnel will be deployed as needed, and comprehensive training will be provided to these officers.