Before the Lok Sabha elections in the country, Chandigarh MP Kirron Kher has expressed her concern about the development of Chandigarh. She has said that Chandigarh is a Union Territory (UT). This is not a complete state. For this reason the officer lobby dominates here. She wants to work for the welfare of the people in Chandigarh, but the officers put some hurdles in it.she said she has been raising his voice for regularization of houses built outside Lal Dora in Chandigarh for the last 10 years. But Chandigarh officials are not paying any attention to this.
Chandigarh MP Kirron Kher has targeted the former advisor of Chandigarh without taking his name. She was speaking on the electric vehicle policy of Chandigarh. She said that because of one officer the people of Chandigarh had to face problems. But better late than never, now the administration has taken a decision in the interest of the people.She also targeted the opposition and said that she always stays with the people of Chandigarh in Chandigarh. She could not stay in Chandigarh for the last one year due to illness. Everyone knows this. Opposition people deliberately make this an issue, but the people of Chandigarh know everything about him.
On the issue of contesting the 2024 loksabha elections from Chandigarh, he said that the Bharatiya Janata Party and the people of Chandigarh have to prepare. If both are prepared, then she will definitely contest elections from Chandigarh. He had never made any preparation before. Even now she is not making any preparations. She just wants to get the public issues resolved.