Speaking at a press conference at the BJP State Media Center, BJP national spokesperson Dr. Sambit Patra attacked the Congress government on issues of women’s harassment, increasing crime, paper leaks, and incidents of appeasement. He said, “Those who call Ram imaginary, demand a birth certificate for Ram, I would like to tell them that on the upcoming January 22, in Ayodhya, the consecration of Ram Lalla will take place, and the biggest festival of the Hindu faith will be celebrated. BJP does not differentiate between Ram and work because Ram was also a benefactor of the backward and oppressed, and the BJP is also working for the upliftment of the person sitting on the last rung of society with the principle of utmost kindness.”
National spokesperson Dr Sambit Patra said that in the Rajasthan elections, women’s safety and dignity are serious issues because Rajasthan, known for its bravery and martyrs, has now become number one in the country in cases of crimes against women. He mentioned, “In the last five years in the state, 2 lakh cases of women’s harassment have been registered. Meanwhile, more than 35,000 cases of crime have been registered, of which 15,000 cases of crime have occurred with minors. Last night, a gang rape occurred with a 15-year-old minor in Ladnu, Nagaur. However, no FIR has been registered against the accused. Even more shameful is that behind the car caught by the police, there is a sticker of the Congress candidate. In the state, daughters are put in quotas, and somewhere, they are put in barrels and burnt with acid.”
Fraud committed in the name of jobs for young people
Patra said, “In India, Rajasthan was known for tourism and bravery. But in the last five years, fraud has been committed in the name of jobs for young people, and every recruitment paper has been leaked. Nineteen times in the state, the paper was leaked, and it is the first time in the history of the country that papers were solved on a moving bus.
The accused in this case, the chairman of the board, is still absconding. 400 crore rupees have been collected from the state’s youth in the name of paper fees, and the future of 7 million youth has been ruined.” He added, “In its manifesto, the BJP has promised the youth that as soon as it comes to power, it will form an SIT against the accused in the paper leak and work to send the accused behind bars. Meanwhile, on the issue of women’s security, it will form an Anti-Romeo squad like in UP.”
Second-class treatment of Hindus
Patra said, “Congress has always treated Hindus as second-class citizens and has adopted a policy of appeasement.
Today, when there are elections, Priyanka Gandhi performs Yajna.
These are the same people who used to oppose the existence of Ram. Priyanka Gandhi says that her grandmother taught her the Gayatri Mantra.
If she has taught her, then Sonia Gandhi must have been taught too. But the country can never forget Sonia Gandhi’s act when, at her behest, in court, Ram was called imaginary, and an affidavit was given.”