After the Bharatiya Janata Pary (BJP) denied the poll ticket to sitting MLA, Ashok Lahoti, from the Sanganer constituency, the Vaishya community staged a massive protest against the party outside its headquarters in Jaipur. A large number of people belonging to the Vaishya community thronged to the party headquarters holding placards and raising slogans against the party. They demanded that the BJP reconsider its decision. A protestor said, “We will convey the issue of the Vaishya community to the top leadership. The party denied the ticket to Ashok Lahoti, who belongs to the Vaisya community.”
Ashok Lahoti, an MLA from the Sanganer constituency, belongs to the Vaishya Community. The Bharatiya Janata Party has fielded Bhajan Lal Sharma, who is Rajasthan BJP’s general secretary, from the Sanganer constituency.