Actor Kriti Sanon and Tiger Shroff participated in a promotion event on Wednesday for their new movie, “Ganapath – A Hero Is Born,” matching clothes. Kriti’s appearance was elegant. She wore all white for the event and added just a little of makeup to dress up her appearance. She added a striking golden necklace and tall white boots to complete the ensemble. Tiger, however, was dressed in black slacks and a white shirt. Tiger surprised fans on Instagram earlier with a thought-provoking teaser announcement post.
Sharing the video, he wrote, “Duniya Badal ne ke liye duniya ko badalna padta hai ! Teaser out on the 27th#Ganapath in cinemas this Dussehra, 20th October#GanapathTeaserOn27thSept.”
Kriti Sanon, Tiger Shroff shine in white outfits at 'Ganapath – A Hero Is Born' event#Ganapath #GanapathTeaserOn27thSept #Dussehra #HindiFilm #Bollywood #TigerShroff #KritiSanon #VikasBahl #FilmPromotion #WhiteOutfits #Entertainment
— Hind First (@Hindfirstnews) October 19, 2023