On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that India will soon rank among the top three economies in the world. He also said that everyone is looking to India in the hope that it will spearhead efforts to create a new international order.
Inaugurating the three-day Global Maritime India Summit in the national capital on Tuesday, PM Modi said, “In this changing world order, the whole world is looking towards India with new aspirations. The Indian economy is gathering more strength while the world is in the grip of an economic crisis. The day is not far when India will be one of the top three economic powers of the world.”
Underlining the importance of the country’s maritime sector, PM Modi said, “History bears witness that whenever India’s maritime capability has been strong, the country and the world have benefited greatly from it. Taking this as our guiding principle, we have been working in a planned manner for the last 9 years to strengthen this sector.”
PM Modi continued by saying that the implementation of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor will have a huge positive impact on the maritime industry. “Recently, a historic agreement on the creation of an India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor was reached during the G20 Summit. This is a significant step taken at India’s initiative that may revitalize the maritime sector globally in the twenty-first century, according to PM Modi.