India’s External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, initiated a nine-day US journey on Friday. The primary objectives are attending the UN General Assembly’s 78th session in New York and hosting a dedicated event on the Global South.
After wrapping up UNGA engagements, Jaishankar will head to Washington DC from September 27-30 for bilateral talks with American officials.
While in New York, the Minister will lead the Indian delegation at the UNGA. Highlighting India’s allegiance to the Global South, Jaishankar will spearhead the special event titled “India-UN for Global South: Delivering for Development.” Additionally, numerous plurilateral and bilateral meetings are on his agenda.
The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) confirmed meetings between Jaishankar and notable figures like UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the UNGA President, Dennis Francis. Jaishankar’s speech at the UNGA high-level session is set for September 26.
In Washington, his itinerary involves discussions with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, key US administration officials, business magnates, and think tanks. Additionally, he’s slated to address the fourth World Culture Festival, an event by the Art of Living, as informed by the MEA