Preparations for the visit of Rahul Gandhi and Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge to Jaipur on September 23 have gained momentum. In the Congress war room, in-charge Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa convened a meeting on Wednesday with Congress leaders from Jaipur district and surrounding districts. The meeting was attended by Minister Lalchand Kataria, Rajendra Yadav, City President R.R. Tiwari, and MLA Indraj Gurjar, among others. The target is to mobilize every ward and block in Jaipur city.
Party workers are being contacted from the war room, and for the upcoming visit, Jaipur City President R.R. Tiwari said that Rahul Gandhi and Kharge are coming to Jaipur, and everyone is responsible for making their visit historic.
The distribution of Congress tickets before the assembly elections is being carried out with great caution, and the party is working on a total of 4 categories. This time, the most focus is on the D category, consisting of those 52 seats where the party has been consistently facing defeat. The party is conducting surveys in these seats along with continuously seeking feedback from local leaders. These surveys are aimed at achieving victory in these seats in the upcoming elections through special strategies. PCC in-charge Amrita Dhawan with joint in-charge said, “More attention is being given to the places where Congress is weak. BJP has not done any work there.”