The preparations for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rally in Dadiya, on the occasion of the culmination of the BJP’s Parivartan Sankalp Yatra, are in full swing. What’s noteworthy this time is that the entire responsibility for PM’s rally will be in the hands of women.
This is the first time that women will be in charge of the entire PM’s rally. In this regard, the state president of the BJP, Bhajan Lal Sharma, and Jaipur Greater Mayor Soumya Gurjar held a press conference at the BJP headquarters.
State President Bhajan Lal Sharma said that due to the Parivartan Sankalp Yatras, the people of the state have shown great enthusiasm and energy. Due to the public’s participation, this yatra has become the journey of every citizen. During the yatra, farmers have welcomed it from the fields, women from the rooftops, and people from the buses.
Seeing this atmosphere, it is clear that the BJP is coming to power with a huge majority. He said, “The people remembered this government during the election, which had been oppressing the people for four and a half years. Now, during the election, the government is running schemes like the smartphone scheme and food packet distribution. Surprisingly, in the name of smartphones, women are being forced to stand in line for hours, but they still don’t get mobiles, and instead, they are being beaten with sticks. Food packets are being distributed with bricks and sand mixed in them.”
It should be noted that on September 25, the birth anniversary of the founder of the Jan Sangh, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, is also celebrated. Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya was born in Dhaankya in Jaipur, and a museum has been set up there in his memory. Prime Minister Modi will first visit Dhaankya in Jaipur and offer flowers at his statue. After that, he will arrive at the rally venue.