The Cauvery water sharing issue, which has recently been a point of contention with neighboring Karnataka, is being discussed in New Delhi by a delegation from Tamil Nadu led by Water Resources Minister Durai Murugan. The sharing of the Cauvery waters has been the subject of an ongoing dispute between the governments of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The river is regarded as a significant source of food for the inhabitants of both states.
On June 2, 1990, the Centre established the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal (CWDT) to resolve disagreements regarding each state’s ability to share water with Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, and Puducherry.
“Cauvery water management committee and regulatory committee have recommended Karnataka to release five thousand cusec water to Tamil Nadu for 15 days but Karnataka has not released even a drop of water,” said Durai Murugan, Water Resource Minister for Tamil Nadu, as he left for Delhi.
“We are going to ask the central minister today what are you going to do since you are looking on these two committees. Are you going to order Karnataka and monitor the situation,” he said.