Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar asserted his support for journalists on Saturday, distancing himself from the INDIA bloc’s recent decision to boycott 14 television news anchors. Despite his Janata Dal (United) being a constituent of the 26-party INDIA bloc, Kumar claimed to be uninformed about the coalition’s directive.
“I am in support of journalists. They have rights, I am not against anyone,” Kumar told reporters. His comments highlighted his belief in press freedom, implying that a vibrant democracy requires journalists to operate without any form of coercion.
The boycott initiated by the INDIA bloc emerged as a contentious issue after the alliance publicised a list of anchors to be avoided by its media representatives. Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera, while announcing the decision, criticised the targeted anchors for allegedly promoting hatred and violence through fake news and distorted representations of the bloc leaders.
This move has sparked widespread concerns, with the News Broadcasters and Digital Association (NBDA) deeming it a “dangerous precedent” that flouts the democratic ethos and exhibits “intolerance”.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) went a step further, likening the boycott to the restrictive measures imposed during the Emergency period in the 1970s. BJP MP Anil Baluni accused the INDIA bloc of harbouring an “anarchic and Emergency mindset,” perceiving the boycott as an open threat to the media and an attempt to suppress the voice of the people.
As the discourse escalates, Nitish Kumar stands as a voice advocating for the rights and freedom of journalists, emphasising that individuals should be allowed to express themselves freely without any restrictions. Kumar maintains a standpoint of not being against anyone, fostering a spirit of unity and democratic values during a time of growing tensions and divergent views within the political alliance he is a part of.