In the Sarita Vihar neighborhood of South East Delhi, a man was fatally stabbed, according to police. Four persons have been held in connection with the incident. The officer added that the deceased man’s wife had also been hurt in the incident. The deceased was allegedly involved in the incident on Friday night while he was leaving his bike outside a temple in Sarita Vihar.
According to Delhi police, “the deceased was parking his bike when an argument broke out with his two neighbors over a prior altercation.” Manoj and Raju were named as the defendants by the police. According to the police, both parties eventually left the site and went home. Police said that Manoj, Raju, and their buddies arrived at the deceased’s home later with knives in their hands.
“They beckoned for him to leave his home. then began stabbing him with knives. According to the police, once the attackers fled the scene, he collapsed to the ground. He was then taken to a nearby hospital, where the staff there immediately pronounced him dead.
Police discovered a dispute between the deceased and the accused during the initial investigation.
“Four people have been detained. Further investigation is underway,” police said.
Following the incident, a case has been registered under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code. Police claim that a 50-year-old private company receptionist was fatally stabbed on Thursday in the same neighborhood.
The victim of the stabbing was transferred to a hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries, according to reports from the authorities earlier in the week. However, based on information they received, it was found that the victim had been stabbed for resisting the accused’s attempt to steal his cell phone. The police had initially claimed that there were no eyewitnesses in this case.