It was a nostalgic Tuesday for actress Madhuri Dixit Nene as she looked back at her film Parinda, which released 31 years ago on this day. The Vidhu Vinod Chopra film also starred Anil Kapoor, Jackie Shroff and Nana Patekar, and was India’s official entry in the Best Foreign Film category at the Oscars 1990. “#31YearsOfParinda Playing ‘Paro’ in #Parinda was a thrilling experience. The tagline of the film rightly justifies it “The Most Powerful Film Ever Made”. I also did a death scene for the first time. Wonderful memories with the amazing cast & crew makes this one very special,” tweeted Madhuri. The crime drama released on 3 November 1989, and it follows two brothers who are caught on different sides of a gang war.