Former Haryana Chief Minister and current Leader of the Opposition in the State Assembly Bhupinder Singh Hooda of the Congress Party on Sunday took a dig at the Bharatiya Janata Party-Jannayak Janta Party (BJP-JJP) government, claiming that all sections of society were “fed up” the ruling alliance.
Hooda was speaking at a “Jan Milan Samaroh” event in Karnal, where he was the guest of honour. The Leader of the Opposition was accompanied by his son, MP Deepender Hooda and Haryana State President Chaudhary Udaibhan, as well as other Congress leaders. The event on Sunday was organised by former Haryana Speaker Kuldeep Sharma.
Speaking to India News, he took a shot at the ruling coalition and said that it was not a united front. “Each person has their own opinion about the direction that they should move in,” he said, calling it an alliance “founded on selfishness instead of policies.” “Every day there is a new announcement. Someone says they will contest all 10 Lok Sabha seats in the state while another member says they will contest on two or three seats. That is not how an alliance works.”
When asked about factionalism and in-fighting within the Congress’ Haryana unit, the former Chief Minister stated that there was “no discord” within the party. “There are no differences and the entire Congress party is united. However, there might be some anti-social elements might be behind raising slogans outside the venue of the Congress meetings,” he added.
Haryana Congress president Chaudhary Udaibhan also echoed Hooda’s statements and said the people of Haryana were completely fed up with the present government. “People have made up their minds to bring change. Congress government will be formed in the state with full majority and Congress will win all the 10 Lok Sabha seats,” he said.
During the event in Karnal, Hooda met with several businessmen and private employees, as well as government officials and party workers. The Congress leader’s primary aim during the event was to gather feedback from different sections of society in order to help formulate a strategy for the upcoming Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections slated for next year.