Every Breath You Take

I think of you with every breath I take. I’m alive, my dearest, solely for your sake. My sheets are sandpaper without you—even for a moment banished from your breath or the manna of your skin. Defrocked, I need your constant camaraderie— for life’s long journey. Without you, my world is wallpapered with bills. Line-ups crowd my field of play and vision. […]


I think of you with every breath I take.
I’m alive, my dearest, solely for your sake.
My sheets are sandpaper
without you—even for a moment banished
from your breath or the manna
of your skin. Defrocked, I need
your constant camaraderie—
for life’s long journey.

Without you, my world is wallpapered
with bills. Line-ups crowd my field of play
and vision. Your jokes soothe
and accelerate my days—even your idle chat
is radio commentary for my days.

Your dreams, those fields of blowing daisies,
are my tranquil meadows, my butterfly
playground. With you beside me I’ll throw the dice
at Life’s casino, will play the happiness
lottery. You’re the sun warming
and anchoring my universe, and I need
every breath you take.


