KOTA: Women received the gift of free bus travel on the day after Rakshabandhan in Rajasthan. A large crowd of women was seen at the Nayapura bus stand, and additional buses were added for routes from Kota to Baran, Jaipur, Bhilwara, and Jhalawar. In Kota, on the day after Raksha Bandhan, the Chief Minister has given women the gift of free travel on roadway buses. This led to a gathering of women at the Kota Nayapura bus stand. In response to the crowd, extra buses have been deployed by the Roadways bus management. Coordinator Nasir Ali mentioned that additional buses have been arranged for routes from Kota to Jaipur, Baran, Jhalawar, Bhilwara, and several other districts, considering the heavy passenger load. Women eagerly await this day. The government’s gift of free travel is much appreciated, but there is some inconvenience due to a shortage of buses.