UP CM Yogi said that Cyber-crime stations will be established in every district and cyber cells will be formed in all police stations. The Chief Minister made a strategy to curb cyber crimes, the system from the police station to the headquarters will be more concrete.
CM said, “Prevention from cyber crimes is possible only through awareness, it is necessary to make it a part of school curriculum.” Chief Minister has instructed administration to make principals, teachers and students aware of cyber security through master trainer.
“Deployment of adequate force for prevention of cyber-crime has begun and they will be provided all necessary logistics to police stations” said Chief Minister. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has decided to equip the police at all levels to strictly control cyber-crimes.
While reviewing the cyber security arrangements in the state on Saturday, the Chief Minister directed that the cyber-crime police stations currently operating at the regional level should now be expanded to all 75 districts and the cyber cell currently operating at the district level should be expanded to each one.
Cyber cell should be constituted in the police station. Following this instruction of the Chief Minister, 57 new cyber-crime stations will be set up in the state within the next two months, while cyber cells will also be functional in every police station apart from cyber help desks. All cyber police crime stations will be set up in local police lines.
In the review meeting, the Chief Minister said that in recent times the nature of crime has also changed due to misuse of technology. Today, cases of customer care fraud, pension fraud, electricity bill fraud, work from home fraud, sextorson fraud, loan app fraud, parcel fraud, franchisee fraud, fake betting app, crypto investment fraud, Ponzi scheme fraud are being seen.“The common man is becoming a direct victim of this. To avoid this, we have to be vigilant at every level” the Chief Minister said and further added that “Awareness is the most important means to prevent cyber-crimes. We should include it in the school curriculum. Apart from this, by training BSA/DIOS as master trainers, the principals and teachers should be sensitized in a phased manner and then the students and their parents” said CM Yogi.
The Chief Minister instructed to prepare awareness material immediately and implement it. On the other hand, stating the need for proper training of the police force for investigation and investigation of cyber-crimes, the Chief Minister said that 05 police officers from each district should be trained at the state level. Trained police officers should train inspectors and sub-inspectors from each police station of their district regarding the course.